Evolve This!
I found out today that we may have discovered micro organisms on Mars and then accidentally killed them.
Which is great.
Try to evolve into a higher being now! Or, if you're religious, try to magically become a higher being now! Score one for the earth man.
This is like War Of The Worlds only accidental and in a petri dish.
Which is a good decription for anything, I think. Like War Of The Worlds only accidental and in a petri dish.
In other death related news Robert Anton Wilson has become dead. I'm quite amazed by how grounded he is about everything. To quote him in his last days, "Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed." I often wonder how different the world must have looked through his eyes compared to mine. I'm amazed that he wasn't completely insane as he left. Kudos for that.
Which is great.
Try to evolve into a higher being now! Or, if you're religious, try to magically become a higher being now! Score one for the earth man.
This is like War Of The Worlds only accidental and in a petri dish.
Which is a good decription for anything, I think. Like War Of The Worlds only accidental and in a petri dish.
In other death related news Robert Anton Wilson has become dead. I'm quite amazed by how grounded he is about everything. To quote him in his last days, "Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed." I often wonder how different the world must have looked through his eyes compared to mine. I'm amazed that he wasn't completely insane as he left. Kudos for that.
>I'm amazed that he wasn't completely insane as
>he left. Kudos for that.
Word. And kudos to you for causing me to look at his blog again, as a result of which I noticed that..
>Robert Anton Wilson Defies Medical Experts and
>leaves his body @4:50 AM on binary date 01/11.
.. 01/11 is binary for 2/3. Yes it is.
>Which is a good decription for anything, I think.
Except, like, War Of The Worlds. Obviously.
01/11 is 2/3? How nice.
Yup. Binary is totally awesome.
0 = 0
1 = 1
.. and now you're starting to be lulled into a false sense of security, thinking "Hey, I know how this works!" But here comes the curveball:
01 = 2
11 = 3
001 = 4
101 = 5
011 = 6
111 = 7
0001 = 8
..and so on.
Is that totally cool, or what?!
I once invented a binary language, you know. Like, a language for humans. It was called Cheesefuck. It had a vocabulary of two words: "cheese" and "fuck".
Then once I'd done that, I translated the complete works of Shakespeare into Cheesefuck. It was much easier to follow that way.
Actually, that's a lie. (The second part, not the first part.)
You are a very interesting man. Let no one tell you otherwise
That's okay
Just don't let it happen again, or terrible consequences may ensue
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