You Are Wrong
This a Christian educational video. Part of a series called Chatting With Charley which is not only pro-christian, but anti-science. I enjoyed watching it, it was good. I even made a game out of it. Every time Charley said something that was either wrong, stupid or made absoultely no sense I marked a tally on a piece of paper. You should play this game too. If you played it properly, your piece of paper should look something like this:
[nota bene: this image may be an exaggeration of your actual results.]
Maybe irrelevant but I love the design of your blog.
I'm afraid I didn't exactly make it myself. The design came from a t-shirt and the coding is an edit of someone elses work.
But thank you anyway. Plagarism is an art in itself.
Goodness, by the time he held up the battery I was so bored I forgot to work on my tally or even listen.
My other comment is as follows: This reminds me of something. I used to work in the same arthouse cinema as Teigan. I was in the box office and he was an usher and he would hang out with me sometimes. One time he picked up a review of a movie we were screening (what was it called? the one that made Billy Bob Thornton famous, where he plays a kinda retarded character accused of murder or something) that had been published in the local paper. The reviewer loved the movie, depth, profundity etc. Teigan sat down and crossed out everything in the review that was "wrong". The review turned into a garbled sheet of crossings out, which seemed to satisfy Teigan and certainly amused me. That is the end of my anecdote. Excuse me for taking over the comments. (Tone clarification: wry, sleepy, warm, crisply sentimental.)
It's good to always know best.
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