Wednesday, February 07, 2007


More from my idol. The careful art of not being funny? Maybe... Or maybe he was just very very strange.


Blogger teigan said...

I wasn't going to watch this all the way through (I am a busy man) but maybe i just will. This Kaufman guy is good. I can see why REM wrote a song about him.

Have you seen this news about your other hero?

Later that same year on BBC One's Question Time, he said everybody was allowed to "err and stray" in their past.

I love this. It's okay to err and stray (there's a song title or something), as long as you do it in the past.

Erring and straying in the past - okay.

Erring and straying in the present - not okay.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Hamish said...

It's barely even news is it? David Cameron took "drugs". At some point. He's right though, Erring and straying while running for Prime Minister isn't the best idea. And David Cameron only ever has the best ideas.

Tony Blair was a failing (and possibly homeless) rock musician, surely he took those "drug" things too at some point.


That's why I like Barack Obama, he'd make a fine US president. Maybe one day they'll put him on a 20 note with a cigarette in his mouth.

That would actually be awesome.

12:01 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

Tony Blair was a failing (and possibly homeless) rock musician, surely he took those "drug" things too at some point.

No doubt - but it's not on any kind of record (or we'd have heard about it) and you can bet he would deny it if asked. Or, like Clinton, claim that he "didn't inhale". It's perceived to be hypocritical, see. And, of course, it is. But not if you're smart like Cameron and do it in the past. He'll go far, that one.

(In my former propagandist life, incidentally, I was reliably informed by people who would know that the needle disposal units in the elite Ministerial toilets at Parliament House were always totally stuffed. Which in a way is hardly surprising. High pressure environment, see. Hooboy)

You're right about Kaufman, his art is a gentle one.

That busboy segment is totally hilarious, but I had to watch it twice before I realised this.

1:13 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

I mean, I knew it was a joke both times. But it was only on the second viewing that i realised it was incredibly funny.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

I am glad you like it.

4:01 PM  

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