Friday, January 26, 2007


Watching these two videos and reading this article makes me slightly more afraid of the world.

They're not in any way related, except that they all take place in America. But you can't blame America, just the people. And everyone is a person (to the best of my knowledge) which means I am afraid of everyone.



Blogger Althea said...

Vid #1: Love how my good ol' advertising text would say "Yeah, some folks have tried subliminal messages, but because of public backlash, they don't do that anymore."

Vid #2: Fox reports, you decide.

Article: this is sure to ease your fears.

You should be fine if you don't get within four metres of any U.S. citizens from any of the relevant 42 states.

2:35 AM  
Blogger hester said...

any of the relevant 42 states.

heh. and which would be the irrelevant ones?

12:38 AM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

I blame Tay-gun

5:13 AM  
Blogger Althea said...

The "umm, yeah, we don't really want 50K volt stun guns in the hands of the general populace" states (and cities/counties) are in the following doc:

7:18 AM  
Blogger Hamish said...

>Fox reports, you decide.

A fair point. Maybe I'll ask the FBI. Are they obliged to answer?

>heh. and which would be the irrelevant ones?

You know which ones they are really.

>I blame Tay-gun

You blame Taygun for subliminal advertising? Okay... well, you're probably right. Otherwise you wouldn't have said it.

>the following doc:

A document? *sigh* I'll read it later I guess.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

> You blame Taygun for subliminal advertising? Okay... well, you're probably right. Otherwise you wouldn't have said it.

I blame Teigan for the Ray Gun.

I just found it funny how the same day I was thinking back to when Teigan said his name was pronounced in a way so that it rhymed with "Ray Gun" (I called him Tea-gin) I found your weblog post minutes later.

Oh right it's the synchronicity.


Just like the guy says, 8689261981090121097&hl=en

Yes he looks like Tommy Lee Jones.


5:46 AM  
Blogger hester said...

er, ok -- maybe it's just because i haven't slept in quite some time, but i don't see any list of states in that article.

any rate, yeah. i can hazard a guess which ones they are.

(maine: good fer more than just lighthouses & lobsters)

7:07 AM  
Blogger teigan said...

mmm lighthouses
mmm lobsters

>I blame Tay-gun

It's all my fault.

No doubt. (nb I haven't actually watched the videos yet.)

There was something else, but tragically I am too drunk to remember what it was.

(This is called 'doing a Hamish'.)

(Except *I* go back and correct my drunken typos, so only careful perusal of the content will reveal how drunk I am.

(It's a self-consciousness thing no doubt.)

(If only I were a *real* mugician.)


Yeah. Small children.

12:32 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

Yeah, public backlash.. and *laws*, goddamn it.

Laws are the answer to everything.

It is only because of laws that we are all still alive writing blog comments today.

Without laws, the world would turn into a nightmare of murder, rape and general dastardery. Things would not work properly, and the strong would abuse and exploit the weak.

Believe it.


12:35 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

Yes. Three or more cheers for the police force who are inadequate but still the best solution we have.

2:20 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

No, no. You miss my point entirely.

Let me explain it to you.

The world *is* a nightmare of murder, rape and general dastardery. Things would do not work properly, and the strong do abuse and exploit the weak.

Laws are a device by which politicians are able to create the illusion that things would be *even worse* if we set them on fire and then danced on their smouldering ashes.

Believe me. I've looked into it. I know what I'm talking about.

And moreover, I am just going to keep saying this over and over again in different ways until everybody understands.

You might as well just agree now and save yourself a lot of heartache.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

> Believe me. I've looked into it. I know what I'm talking about.

Most modern mainstream Psychologists agree that laws and upbringing mask a horrible "natural" state that would otherwise be released without the conditioned safeguards.

More simply, (ie) most any individual would do whatever it takes to protect himself and/or who he cares for.

We saw it in New Orleans when Katrina hit.

But I forget Teigan, rarely are you into the "mainstream" way of thinking.


7:14 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

>Most modern mainstream Psychologists

Well, if most modern mainstream Psychologists agree on something, it *must* be True.

>We saw it in New Orleans when
>Katrina hit.

Yeah, way to trot out the absolutely fucking standard bullshit line.

No, what we saw in New Orleans was people panicking and going insane confronted with a massively discombobulating natural disaster - combined with the fact that they are conditioned to think just like you do, and hence felt like children whose parents had dropped dead without law enforcement authorities to reinforce the totally fallacious illusion that they only follow the law normally because otherwise they would get in Trouble.

>But I forget Teigan, rarely are you
>into the "mainstream" way of

Well yeah - call me crazy (many have) but I have this eccentric habit of forming my own conclusions about things based on what I personally observe to be true.

It's constantly getting me into trouble.

10:24 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

What really shits me about the Katrina Fallacy is that it's totally, like, putting the cart before the horse and getting them mixed up.

The problem in New Orleans wasn't the absence of law enforcement. It was the existence of law enforcement in the first place.

You won't understand what I'm talking about, but that's okay. Don't worry about it. *shoots self in head*

11:24 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

The previous comment is amusing to me.

Disregard what I said, feel free to act like kids and be condescending.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

> The problem in New Orleans wasn't the absence of law enforcement. It was the existence of law enforcement in the first place.


7:08 PM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

> You won't understand what I'm talking about

That's right - nobody is as smart as you. Sorry I'm unable to learn your amazingly complex concepts. I guess it's 'who you are' to resort to comments like that to people who aren't as intelligent as you.

> Disregard what I said, feel free to act like kids and be condescending.

Thanks Adam - was waiting for that go ahead!!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

This is comment threat seems hate filled.

In this case I take back what I said about Steve for the most part. In that I don't remember what I said in the first place. But Teigan often says that we wont understand and it's quite annoying...

>The problem in New Orleans wasn't the absence of law enforcement. It was the existence of law enforcement in the first place.

Explain? ... please.

12:15 AM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

> This is comment threat seems hate filled.

Not HATE filled. It's just that in life, and on the Internet, I am generally super-sarcastic and like to push people's buttons for fun.

Obviously you wouldn't really know that because you really don't know me.

However I DO know that Teigan has somewhat of a temper that I seem to spark whenever we post on the same weblog.

Teigan let it be said that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been introduced to this interesting alternative view on life and the world and I thank you ever so much for it.

I am the proud owner of two RAW books (Prometheus Rising & Cosmic Trigger I).

Anyway we all love you and don't get mad or full of hate because this is all in good fun.

Republicans > Democrats.

That is all.


6:40 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

It's okay, I don't even remember writing that. Sorry.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Steve Cronin said...

omg so...

I just made that comment about pushing people's buttons for fun and...

2 seconds later after publishing that I look at my profile and...

AT THE TOP RIGHT CORNER IT SAYS "Push-Button Publishing" !!!



6:43 PM  

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