Drink Instinct
You can take that maths to the bank, Motherlovers.
I haven't be able to type very well today since I tried to waterproof my shoes. And I mean really waterproof my shoes. I used that spray but I forgot to open a window... headaches insued but man, I bet my shoes could float with me still in them. They're so waterproof they actually repel water. I could part the red sea just by being near it. Am I prophet yet? Was Moses even a prophet?
On the downside again though, my shoes were already water damaged when I sprayed them, so that was a bit of a waste...
Okay, down time to business. I came up with a flawless (and I mean flawless) money making scheme. And it's as easy as becoming a successful actor! All I'm going to do is make 10 pilot episodes to 10 different sitcoms. All I have to pay for are the tapes, I'm sure friends will be willing to act for me. Then I'll send them off, if they are liked then I'll get money to make a series. If they are hated then I'll tape over the original pilots with more pilots!
p.s. comments fixed? maybe?
O my god get outta my head!!!
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Inspired. You'd better get that intellectual property on those ideas before the competition does.
Damn that competition.
Comments are good.
Scribe, what?
Althea, thanks! But I don't think I could copyright squiragle seeing as it's your idea.
Was you comment a satiricle one?
Wait a minute...
Satirical. I gots gets me some of this waterproofing spray. Maybe I'll rebrand it as flawless-money-making-scheme-inspirant-in- a-can, and resell it at an outrageously inflated price. I can use this blog post as a testimonial. Coz you're a successful actor. Or soon will be.
Actually I think I'm getting a contact high just from commenting here. Waterproofing spray? We don't need no stinking waterproofing spray! It's all in the mind.
Damn, there goes my flawless moneymaking scheme.
This is all your fault.
I don't know if it was the spray that gave me the idea or if ideas were in the works and the rush of inspiriation made me want to waterproof my shoes... because the latter has never happened before.
I'll do the same thing tomorrow. Get your clipboard ready, Teigan.
What? Not loud enough?
OMG *you* have been blogging loads and *I* haven't been paying attention.
I've been such a fool.
Health Class in 7th grade...all I was intersted in was drugs...had not done any yet...but was researching like a mad man...loved health class...all about drugs ad sex
Huffing was always bad news...the worst stories in the health mags...the pot was all disinfo...but spray paint and scotch guard were always really bad.
Scottch Gaurd...and english kid would know better than to huff that...but I bet you they have a different brand name...
and crap...thank god Hamish is a Roman decendent in North England...I have not seen it on the news myself but hear that the south of England is going into the ocean...
We all live in a Yellow Submarine...a Yellow Submarine...
Hay...that is the song you, I and Tiegan need to collaborate on...it will be a post flood classic...
Chris Titan
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