Monday, February 26, 2007

Anna and Russell

Every weekday after the channel 4 news they show a three minute documentary. Every week has a different theme. I remember one, a few weeks back, was just three minutes of footage of cows.

The theme this week is the war on terror. Specifically: stories of seperation via the war on terror.

Todays documentary was really something. Which is quite vague seeing as everything is something. But I can't specifically say what the thing is. It's probably more than one thing. Anyway, I wanted to put it on the ol' blog. The only thing I could find was a link to an mp4 file from channel four dot com so I will link you to that.


I never really hear anyone describe the war apart from on the news. But I grew up paranoid, believing that the news is lying to me. I don't like the army, but I like people and I sympathise with this man and his unique attitude to it all which I suppose I will never really be able to understand.

You Are Wrong

This a Christian educational video. Part of a series called Chatting With Charley which is not only pro-christian, but anti-science. I enjoyed watching it, it was good. I even made a game out of it. Every time Charley said something that was either wrong, stupid or made absoultely no sense I marked a tally on a piece of paper. You should play this game too. If you played it properly, your piece of paper should look something like this:

[nota bene: this image may be an exaggeration of your actual results.]

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Britney gets a hair cut.

That's not news. Or at least it's not news for an entire week.

Besides, it's none of our business.

Comming soon: Real blogging on my part.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


At first I didn't know what he was. But now I get it.

This here kid is the embodiment of Andy Kaufman and is also hilarious. I wasn't sure at first, I thought the kid might be unique and strangely talented for his age, sucking them into his world and better yet, after having them call him retarded and weird they leave comments on his videos saying "This is fake" and "you are a fraud" as if the show was never for them.

I wasn't certain that the kid was the embodiment of Andy Kaufman until I saw the bongos... but then it was obvious.

I suggest you all watch Daxflame's videos and enjoy them.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'll be honest with you, guys.

That's not how you spell Google... I mean... y'know, that just says Googe.


However, in dolphin related news, dolphins are now allowed to join the navy. This is a real picture of a dolphin security guard. But I'll be honest with you guys again. I've misconstrued the story a little bit, and deliberately so. But don't go thinking that dolphins aren't in the Navy. Because they are. Sealions too. Read story. Learn.

Monday, February 12, 2007

M. Cali

"If you dance with the devil, the devil don’t change. The devil changes you."

Sounds like it should have been said by someone a little more poetic and real than old Max California.

[Post script - what the hell is this post about?]
[ Jaoquin Phoenix? Really?]
[ ... Okay.]

Today as for my name it is Hamish.

'You keep out of their way. There are too many secret societies out there, and they have no loyalties and no love. Commercial, independant, government, they're all in the same boat. They range from the barely competent to the deeply dangerous. Hey, old wolf, I heard a joke you'd like the other day. How do you know the cIA weren't involved in the Kennedy Assassingation?'

'I've heard it,' said Wednesday.

There are accounts which, if we open our hearts to them will cut is too deeply. Look - here is a good man, good by his own lights and the lights of his friends: he is faithful and true to his wife, he adores and lavishes attention on his little children, he cares about his country, he does his job punctiliously, as best he can. So, efficiently and good-naturedly, he exterminates Jews: he appreciates the music that plays in the background to pacify then; he advises the Jews not to forget their identification numbers as they go into the showers - many people, he tells them, forget their numbers, take the wrong clothes, when they come out of the showers. This calms the Jews: there will be life, they assure themselves, after the showers. And they are wrong. Our man supervises the detail taking the bodies to the ovens; and if there is anything he feels bad about, it is that he still allows the gassing of "vermin" to affect him. Were he a truly good man, he knows, he would feel nothing but joy, as the earth is cleansed of its pests.

Leave him; he cuts too deep. He is too close to us and it hurts.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


More from my idol. The careful art of not being funny? Maybe... Or maybe he was just very very strange.

Monday, February 05, 2007

E.g. scooters, vacation, fall

I am drinking a cup of tea.

It is my first ever real cup of tea. Because I generally don't like it. But today I'm drinking it. Coffee was making me bleed. Also, I heard about someone who drank 30 cups a day. An artist, obviously.

Last night I made a post about how great My Chemical Romance are. While I still like their new album, I don't think them enough to give them an entire post complete with video.

I hear Britian has bird flu again. I haven't heard it on the news yet, but they probably just don't want to worry anyone.

I don't like sports but recently I like baseball. I can't think of a joke for this statement though.

More importantly, Dan Akroyd said that he's going to make Ghostbusters 3. This will be a terrible movie but I'm glad it's being made. It's going to be CGI, weird or what?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Forget That

This looks more like Mind Control to me.

That's the full movie of Jesus Camp by Grady and Ewing. Kind of scarey but lots of unintentional laughs.

[edit: Too slow! The video is gone! Actually, it's probably not gone... you could probably still search for it on Veoh. But it's not linked from here anymore. Take that copywrite law!]

[edit: dear copywrite law, please don't check the archives for this page]

Wield A Hoof Pick

Is it at all wrong to be totally attracted to Daniel Radcliffe in his role in Equus?

Before you judge... because he's a 17 year old boy and whatnot. Check him out.

Just me?